a CBD Oil Wellness Club
co-Founder // Albert Sanchez
A life time as an active adult, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt, and gym "nut" , my forty five (45) year old body slowly started to break down. They call Brazilian Jiu Jitsu the "gentle art" because of it's leverage based techniques and effectiveness. It is definitely a beautiful martial art, but it's not always so gentle. more
A morning routine of stiff knees (understatement), stiff hips and a body that often felt sixty (60) years old, not forty five (45). I was on a daily diet of 800mg of ibuprofen for seven (7) years. Over the years I tried alternative organic remedies: green tea, turmeric, rosemary, etc with no success. I'd fall off the ibuprofen wagon every time.
It was time to conduct my due diligence on CBD oil. I called my friend, training partner, fellow jiu jitsu black belt, cannabis ambassador, and citizen of the great state of Colorado. I told Justin that I had just read a concerning study from the leading cannabis testing lab in the country. Over two thirds (2/3) of the CBD oils tested misrepresented their ingredients, in some cases, the oil tested had ZERO cannabidiol, CBD.
Disheartened and skeptical, I asked my friend to recommend a brand he trusted. He recommended NuLeaf Naturals CBD Oil. I ordered my first (1st) bottle that same week. With a skeptical mind and body, I took my first ten (10) drops. Wait for hour later, I still had stiff knees and hips. I'm not sure what miracle I was expecting. I stayed on my 10 drop regime for the next two days, but guess what now? I felt a little relief in my knees. The backyard scientist in me yelled, "placebo".
Comfortable with NuLeaf CBD oil after a week of use, I decided to double my dosage. Ten (10) drops in the morning and ten (10) drops in the evening before I went to bed. Holy (expletive). The holy grail of plants has been discovered (12,000 years ago)! I couldn't believe it. No pain. Yes, i said it...NO PAIN. Years of pain..YEARS...and now it's gone!
I was so excited I couldn't contain myself. I started to tell everyone and anyone that would listen (I get the same way about jiu jitsu). Listening to my sister-in-law and Salutis Club co-founder, Shelly Sanchez, go through her list of ailments from years of competitive cheerleading and gymnastics, I convinced her to give NuLeaf CBD oil a try.
It was no surprise, (to me), her experience was the same as mine (with the added benefit of better sleep.) Much like myself, she couldn't believe it. She no longer conceded a life of pain and stiff joints.
Shelly and I believe in NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil so much, we decided to invest and become an NuLeaf CBD oil authorized partner. We want to share the benefits of this miracle plant with our family, friends, and the world. Understanding cost and budget is always a pain point (pun intended) we built out our program that allows our members to reap the health benefits of CBD oil and get rewarded financially.
Learn more about the benefits of membership. Click Here.
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